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Showing posts from May, 2018

Underline TextView Text - Android

If your app need an underline for the text in TextView  Achieve it in simple way  - (By both xml and code part) xml It can be achieved if you are using a string resource xml file, which supports HTML tags like <b></b>, <i></i> and <u></u> <resources> <string name = "your_string_here" > This is an <u> underline </u> . </string> </resources> Code Way - 1 TextView textView = ( TextView ) view . findViewById ( R . id . textview ); SpannableString content = new SpannableString ( "Hello, Android !!!" ); content . setSpan ( new UnderlineSpan (), 0 , content . length (), 0 ); textView . setText ( content ); Way - 2 textview . setPaintFlags ( textview . getPaintFlags ()| Paint . UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG ); Way - 3 textview . setText ( Html . fromHtml ( "<u>Text to underline</u>" ));