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Getting Started with Material Design - ANDROID TUTORIAL

You might have heard of android Material Design  which was introduced in Android Lollipop version. In Material Design lot of new things were introduced like  Material Theme , new  widgets ,  custom shadows ,  vector drawables   and custom  animations . If you haven’t working on Material Design yet, this article will give you a good start. Go through the below links to get more knowledge over Material Design. Creating Apps with Material Design Material Design Color Customization Material Design provides set of properties to customize the Material Design Color theme. But we use five primary attributes to customize overall theme. colorPrimaryDark  – This is darkest primary color of the app mainly applies to notification bar background. colorPrimary  – This is the primary color of the app. This color will be applied as toolbar background. textColorPrimary  – This is the primary color of text. This applies to toolbar title. windowBackground  – This is the default