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Run / Install / Debug Android applications over Wi-Fi? - Android Tutorial

What is the need through Wi-Fi?
i. This will save your phone from irregular charges.
ii. A remedy for short length USB cables 

There are several methods to achieve this, here we can see how to do with the plugin.

A better method through Android-Studio plugin

Follow the steps to achieve this:

1 ) A plugin for Android studio exits , called   ADB WiFi Connect.
     (There are some other plugin such as WiFi ADB ULTIMATE, Android wifi ADB)

2) Go to file -> settings -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories

3) Look for ADB WiFi Connect , click on INSTALL , and then restart on prompt

4) You will see a new icon , which is your new plugin. Like in an image

Now to make this work :

5) Go to your phone's developer option and enable DEBUGGING (must)


7) Attach your phone via USB , and make sure, both phone and your PC/laptop are connected to the same network (either Hotspot or WiFi)

8) CLICK ON THE NEW ICON (ie your ADB WiFi Connect) the screen looks like

9) Your phone get's detected and get's connected over WiFi/Hotspot , and hence now you may disconnect the USB. This is a one time process, hence you may not need to keep phone connected over USB.

Happy Coding...


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